5 Reasons to Get Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy

There’s no question that you go through tremendous changes during your nine months of pregnancy! With these changes come new aches and pains and, of course, anticipating delivering your sweet baby.  Chiropractic care during pregnancy has been proven to help your pregnancy and delivery go much smoother. Here are five benefits of getting chiro care during pregnancy!

1: Relieve back, neck, or joint pain

During pregnancy, your body releases a hormone called Relaxin, which helps to prepare your joints to carry and eventually deliver your growing baby. This “relaxing” of the joints can actually make your pelvis, back, neck, and other joints more susceptible to pain and irritation. Regular chiropractic care throughout your pregnancy promotes better joint biomechanics, muscle balance, and decreased pain.

2: Reduce the time of labor and delivery

Regular chiropractic care keeps your joints moving correctly and encourages your nervous system to work optimally, leaving your body better prepared for the stresses that come with labor and delivery of your baby (or babies!). An unrestricted pelvis and spine are crucial for successfully birthing your newborn.

 3: Pelvic alignment and balance

Dr. Livergood is certified in the Webster technique, a specific adjustment that keeps your sacrum and pelvis balanced and functioning correctly during your pregnancy. You need optimal function in your pelvis for the best chance at a smoother labor and delivery.

4: Preventing a potential cesarean delivery

Regular chiropractic care will not guarantee you will avoid a C-section delivery, as they are sometimes necessary for the safety of you and your baby. However, keeping your joints moving and functioning properly throughout your entire pregnancy (especially in the 3rdtrimester) promotes normal biomechanical function, which better prepares your body for birthing, giving you a great chance at a normal vaginal birth.

 5: Controlling symptoms of nausea

Regular adjustments to your spine helps to reduce nervous system irritation and many women have experienced less frequent and severe nausea with pregnancy chiropractic.

It’s never too early or too late to start chiropractic care in your pregnancy, so give us a call today to start feeling some relief!